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Top 5 Windows 11 Capabilities for Business

Top 5 Windows 11 Capabilities for Business

Windows 11 is considered a very good operating system for businesses and professional users; and this was even backed up by Microsoft themselves, who stated that the latest version of Windows was specifically designed with remote workers in mind – it includes a lot of great features that are useful for work in different ways.

To get more of an idea of this, we spoke with a Microsoft partner and IT support provider London businesses have been going to for years to get reliable IT advice, specifically around Microsoft products. They discussed some of the ways that the Windows 11 system is setup to give workers useful tools. Below are 5 useful capabilities:

1. Clock App

It may seem like a relatively innocuous app, but the Windows 11 clock actually has some very useful features backed into it. If you’ve never considered opening up the clock app on a Windows PC, it is definitely worth exploring.

The first thing you will see when you open the app is the World Clock section. This has a world map on it; and you can add different time zones that will tell you what the time is in different parts of the world – and each time zone you add will be displayed on the world map. This is useful for anyone working with partners of colleagues in different time zones – for instance, TechQuarters provides IT support services in London, but their workforce is global, so keeping track of time differences natively in Windows is very helpful to them.

Another useful function of the app is the Focus Sessions feature, which behaves like a timer that counts out a session for you to focus on work, and even factors in breaks between sessions. This section contains a widget for Spotify, so that you can listen to music during a focus session.

2. Calculator App

The calculator app on Windows 11 is worth familiarising yourself with. While you might reach for your phone, or go onto Google when you need access to a calculator, the one build into Windows is arguably better. The app actually has two sections: Calculator & Converter.

In the calculator section, you can choose from the following:

The Converter section allows you to convert a value into various different units. For example, there is a Currency converter, a Weight and Mass converter, a Temperature converter, and many more.

3. Task View

This feature was actually introduced in Windows 10, but have been carried over to Windows 11 due to its usefulness. The Task View is a means of seeing everything you have open on your computer. Most people will be familiar with the frustration of finding yourself with dozens of apps and windows open on your desktop, and how difficult it can be to track down whatever it is you’re looking for. The task view is perfectly placed to solve this. It is an build-in app that gives you a scrolling view of all the apps and windows currently open – each window is displayed as a thumbnail, and so it is easily to locate whatever window you need.

4. Virtual Desktops

This capability in Windows 11 is actually tied in with Task View. It is the ability to create additional, virtual desktops that allows you to segregate apps and windows.

When you open up task view, you will see a thumbnail of your primary desktop at the bottom. Next to it, you will see the option to create a New desktop. These virtual desktops aren’t the same as what is discussed in the context of the Cloud and Desktop-as-a-Service; you can simply think of them as an additional screen that sits next to your main desktop, and allows you to organise your apps and windows into different categories. For instance, you might use your primary desktop for daily duties at work, and things like email and other correspondence; and then you have a secondary virtual desktop dedicated to a project you’re working on.

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