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11.25 as a Fraction: Understanding Decimal to Fraction Conversion

11.25 as a Fraction: Understanding Decimal to Fraction Conversion

Have you ever wondered how to convert a decimal like 11.25 to a fraction? Understanding decimal to fraction conversion is an essential skill that is required in various fields, including engineering, mathematics, and science. In this article, we will explore how to convert 11.25 to a fraction, along with some basic concepts related to fractions and decimals.

Understanding Fractions

A fraction is a way of representing a part of a whole. It consists of a numerator, which represents the part, and a denominator, which represents the whole. For example, in the fraction 3/4, the numerator is 3, and the denominator is 4. The fraction 3/4 represents three parts of a whole that is divided into four equal parts.

Understanding Decimals

Decimals are another way of representing parts of a whole. Unlike fractions, decimals are based on powers of ten. The decimal point separates the whole number from the decimal part, which represents a fraction of a whole. For example, the decimal 0.5 represents half of a whole.

Converting Decimals to Fractions: A Step-by-Step Guide

Converting decimals to fractions involves converting the decimal part to a fraction and then simplifying the resulting fraction. Here is a step-by-step guide to converting decimals to fractions:

  1. Count the number of decimal places to the right of the decimal point.
  2. Write the decimal as the numerator of a fraction, with a denominator of 1 followed by the same number of zeros as there are decimal places.
  3. Simplify the resulting fraction, if possible.

How to Convert 11.25 to a Fraction

Now let’s apply the above steps to convert 11.25 to a fraction:

  1. There are two decimal places to the right of the decimal point in 11.25.
  2. Write 11.25 as the numerator of a fraction, with a denominator of 1 followed by two zeros: 11.25/100.
  3. Simplify the resulting fraction by dividing both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common factor, which is 25 in this case. So, 11.25/100 simplifies to 9/80.

Therefore, 11.25 can be represented as the fraction 9/80.

Simplifying Fractions

Sometimes, the resulting fraction obtained by converting a decimal to a fraction may not be in its simplest form. In such cases, you can simplify the fraction by dividing both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common factor. For example, the fraction 6/10 can be simplified by dividing both the numerator and denominator by 2, resulting in 3/5.

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